
FrenchSentinel members write fanfics in French. There are a lot of them published regularly, so it can be a pleasant way for you to test your French abilities! We are also beginning to translate some of our stories in English, which you can find on this page.

Our special thanks to Ankaree. Without her help for beta reading, you couldn't read those stories.

Gen - Remember by Satine

A little story about a first meeting between Jim and Blair. It's really cute.

Gen - His Final Words by Delf

Delf has a great sense of humour. This story is inspired from a TV show that you may know.

Gen - What If by Christelle

A kind of AU and a lot of Smarm.

Slash - I'll by Isabelle (Songfic)

This fanfic is based on a song by a Japanese band of Visual Rock, Dir En Grey.

Slash - Truth by Scilia (Death fic)

Be carefull with this fanfic. It's beautiful, but so sad...

Slash - Reality Show by Scilia

Jim will have a big surprise by watching TV.

Slash - The Mummy by Corinne

This story was first published in My Mongoose Ezine and is based on the last version movie.

Slash - Pygmalion by Corinne[NEW!]

This story, first published by My Mongoose, is the first chapter of a trilogy. It's an AU where Blair is a teacher and loves to carve. He will become a new Pygmalion.

Slash - Eros & Psyche by Corinne[NEW!]

This story is another of my fics published first by My Mongoose Ezine. It's the sequel of Pygmalion, where... well... I'm one of the characters. But, hey! this is still a love story between Jim and Blair.

Gen - 89 by Laurie[NEW!]

This is Blair's first day as cop. Jim and he investigate on a murder, and protect a child, Mathilda, 13, nicknamed Matt who has a sharp mind and quickly discovers the truth behind the partnership, including the friendship and the sentinel business.